April 12, 2009

red to invade Traverse City - May 23, 2009

Twenty-one glorious miles. Not killer miles like last week. Just 21 wonderful miles. Can I join the club now? :-)

I'm glad today only served to prove that last week was simply one of those BAD days that we all have occasionally. I suspected as much but really needed today to prove it to me.

Stats: 21 miles in 2:57:04 -- 8:26 min/mile. Not bad!

I've just completed the longest training run for this race. Every other run will be SHORTER! I'll do one more 20-21 miler right before my taper, but now that won't be unexplored territory. I've been there! Officially! Can I hear a WOOOOO!?

Weather during today's run: Sunny and 45ish degrees. Does it get any better? I passed and nodded to many a fellow runner on the trail, including two men in a row who had on a Brooksie Way Half Marathon shirt. I did a double-take on that one. haha!! The pooches were out en force including two of the most beautiful Golden Retrievers I've ever seen. You see so many Goldens and, being very common, most of them are not well bred and/or are overweight. These two were well-cared for and had some great genes! Movie Star Handsome, as I like to put it! Also had a close encounter with a cute little garter snake - first one of the season. (Yes, I used "cute" and "snake" in the same sentence! I like 'em, what can I say!?)

The best part of the run was noticing the proliferation of green buds on the woody plants I passed on the side of the road. SPRING is HERE!!

Today I honed my hydration/fueling strategy and I'm starting to consider wearing my Fuel Belt during the race so I can fuel/drink when I want to. Now that I've practiced with it many times, I'm very comfortable wearing it. I don't notice it anymore. I haven't decided for sure...

And to close... Here are the two phrases that have become part of my mantra (the other part being "Respect the Distance!") as the race gets closer and closer, "Nothing new! Don't go out too fast!"

I'm ready for Traverse City. Is Traverse City ready for me????

Nothing new! Don't go out too fast! Nothing new! Don't go out too fast!....

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"Cats are like greatness: Some people are born into cat-loving families, some achieve cats, and some have cats thrust upon them." -William H. A. Carr

red's 2011 race schedule